August 6, 2020
Sun in 15° Leo
Waning Moon in 19° Pisces

7:53am – Have just risen, made coffee, lit the candles and read the morning adoration.  Today marks the midway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.

8am – Made earth.

8:31am – Finished reading and making notes on LoO 1. Will need to consider how/when to work this in as a consistent, steady project.  Now to the morning session.

9:29am – LBRP, MP, M (Nasya, 7–, 25 min), PT

Thoughts, in no particular order:

  • Develop the practice grid chart.  Each section might be a 7- or 14-column grid, with symbols for practices and events.  The point would be to see patterns and consistencies at a glance.
  • We might think of what we’ve been doing as a kind of home school;  I suppose I’ve been “unschooling”, in that I gravitate toward what I’m interested in.  I want to plan the curriculum with a bit more structure.
  • Today might be good to assess the 1=10 work and process thus far.  Only four and a half months since the initiation?  One and a half months to the Autumn Equinox.

9:25pm – Have just posted an essay On Shauca for yoga school.  Took an evening walk after completing it, with Liber Resh / Liber Al evening adoration.  Had an energy work session with C.M. at 2:30pm.  Worked from 9:30, roughly until nearly 1, ordered Indian food for lunch, and then it was all lethargy, MSNBC and Scrabble before and after the session until I got down to work after 7pm.  C.M. noted the tamas and energy deficit, although apparently there’s a lot going on in the subtler planes and higher dimensions.

10:50pm – LBRP, M (25 min), PT