Sun in 21° Sagittarius
Waning Moon in 24° Scorpio

8:18am – Stayed up with G watching Batman, spent a little time in meditation before bed (LBRP mentally performed, although focus challenged due to noise in the house), and in bed after midnight.  Kobe arrived with the boys yesterday and was waiting for me when the alarm woke me around 7:30am, whimpering softly to communicate that he needed to go.  Dressed, dug out the rain coat and walked him in a wet, overcast, leaf-strewn morning, internally reciting the morning adoration as we walked, aware of life itself as the Creator.  An attendant thought arose, wondering what the perception of life is when the senses are shutdown.  Pratyahara.

8:51am – Have read from MWT Ch 12, “The Left Hand Path”, including excerpts from The Vision and The Voice.

9:19am – LBRP and MP, performed mentally.


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