11:01am – Heavy dream activity last night and I woke late feeling quite rough and unrested.  Had a 9:30am meeting, so performed a condensed session — LBRP, MP, short period of meditation — and then rolled straight into the meeting.  Clear now and have work to do, but feel it’s important to penetrate the dream some. So, here goes:

Scene 1 – I am witnessing a battle between two creatures on a small bridge.  The bridge is maybe only 8-12 feet long, spanning a ravine that may have a stream flowing through it.  One creature is dominating:  a large cat, perhaps a female lion, or mountain lion (no mane) stands over a wolf; the lion holds the wolf’s muzzle in its mouth and is the clear victor in the struggle.  As I stand near the edge of the ravine watching the struggle, I voice concern, and two women, who are a presence behind me, over my left shoulder I think, tell me that it’s okay.

Scene 2 – Malachi and the O.S.G. are moving into the house at Atlas Avenue.  I angrily confront Malachi in the living room and he takes a martial arts stance.  I turn and leave and either he hands me an envelope or I already hold it; the thought is communicated that if I were going to be around I would need these; the envelope contains three small keys on rings.  I angrily give or throw it back and get in my car (the old VW).  As I start the car and begin to back out of the driveway with a sense of relief, I recall that Ed and some other people now live in the Atlas Avenue house, and that it will be quite the surprise for everyone when they return home to find someone else moving in.

I turn and am driving North up Franklin Boulevard.  There is construction on the street and it is lined with tall chain link fencing on both sides, which grows closer together, making the street more narrow as I proceed.  It’s late at night and businesses are still open, to include what looks like a club filled with shirtless men, which strikes me as a gay club.  I proceed passed and the street narrows signifcantly with the chain-link rising steeply on both sides.  There are orange-shirted construction workers and I pass one too closely, not long before I run out of room to proceed and must look for an opening in the fence.  He speaks some admonition as I find a narrow opening in the fence and pass through it.

I am now on foot heading East and his voice follows me — saying something about the younger generation not getting in (there may be a reference to the Red Hot Chili Peppers) — and then I turn North again into the outdoor corridor of a higher end apartment complex and pass through.  I am aware people are preparing for an outing, perhaps a ski trip.

11:43am – Have mapped out the dream some.  I’m wondering if leaving the house was a mistake, and what would have happened if I stood my ground, kept the keys, etc.

1:52pm – Made the noon adoration and then, feeling exhausted, napped some, but without real sleep.  After awhile got up and made a lunch of tortellini with pesto and smoked salmon, watched a bit of news, then composed for rest again and this time went into a reverie where I worked with the dream some, standing my ground and asking the O.S.G. and M. to leave the house, welcoming old friends, keeping the keys which seemed to open up inner channels, and envisioning the roads and people as re-opened, restored to a natural beauty, open, sunlit and spacious.  Rose feeling refreshed.